Seiberg-Witten invariant

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In mathematics , the Seiberg-Witten invariants are important invariants of differentiable 4-manifolds. Its applications include the proof of the Thom conjecture or the non-existence of metrics of positive scalar curvature , decompositions as a connected sum or symplectic structures on different 4-manifolds. Furthermore you can differentiate between different differential structures on topological 4-manifolds.


Let be a compact , differentiable manifold with a Riemannian metric and a spin c structure with associated spinor bundles and determinant bundles .

For a generic self-dual 2-form , the space of the solutions of the perturbed Seiberg-Witten equations is a compact, orientable manifold of dimensions


The calibration group and its subgroup have an effect . The quotient space is one - main fiber bundle over . Be his Euler class .

If is odd, then the dimension of is an even number . Then you define


For this invariant does not depend on and and is called the Seiberg-Witten invariant .


In the following, always be odd and . A cohomology class is called a base class if there is a spin c structure with and .

  • If is an orientation- preserving diffeomorphism , then is
  • The following applies to every base class .
  • The following applies to the dual spin c structure
  • only has a finite number of base classes.
  • If a metric has positive scalar curvature , then applies to all .
  • If for compact, orientable, smooth 4-manifolds with , then applies to all .
  • If holds and the inequality holds for a spin c structure with , then is .
  • For an embedded , compact, orientable area the gender applies to each base class .
  • If is a symplectic manifold with canonical spin c -structure , then is .


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