Right of self-involvement

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The right of self-involvement describes the right of a parliamentary committee to deal with a matter on its own initiative within the respective area of ​​responsibility and to submit the proposals drawn up to parliament .

The parliamentary committees' right of self-involvement is anchored in Section 62 (1) of the Rules of Procedure of the German Bundestag. It says: "The committees are obliged to deal with the tasks assigned to them as soon as possible. As preparatory decision-making bodies of the Bundestag, they have the duty to recommend certain resolutions to the Bundestag that only relate to the submissions referred to them or to questions that are directly related to them They can, however, deal with other questions from their area of ​​responsibility; with matters of the European Union, which concern their competence, they should deal in a timely manner independently of transfers. "

Individual evidence

  1. ^ [German Bundestag, Public Relations Department, Platz der Republik 1, 11011 Berlin] Berlin 2013, page 47.