Semantic essay

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A semantic essay explains and discusses the meaning of a word or a phrase using everyday language . In the semantic essay, all formal means and theories of semantics may be used as background techniques, as long as these means and theories are translated into colloquial language and critically examined with everyday understanding .

The semantic essay is thus in the tradition of the philosophy of normal language (OLPh) - a current within analytical philosophy, without overlooking the internal contradictions of the OLPh, which is characterized by again artificial questions and the development of its own jargon . (See Analytical_Philosophy # Fourth_Phase )

In addition, the semantic essay tries to deal as consistently and creatively as possible with the thought and formulation consequences of stereotyped prejudices and the tacitly accepted assumptions of pseudo-enlightenment thinking and thereby to establish a language usage analysis that is open to further criticism.


  • Zillig, Werner: Natural languages ​​and communicative norms. Tübingen: Fool 2003.