Seminar leader (study seminar)

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The seminar leader of a study seminar is responsible for the training of trainee teachers (student trainees ) in the 2nd phase of teacher training in Germany. He is the supervisor of the professional ladder . The seminar leaders at a location are separated according to the type of school .

The seminar leader conducts the business of the study seminar according to the instructions of the responsible ministry and the decisions of the seminar conference. He is responsible for the continuous development of the seminar. In the necessary cooperation with the training schools, he has to coordinate the joint tasks and the timing of the training events. He works together in the selection of teachers with training and internship tasks ( mentors ). His duties include swearing in when he starts work. Usually he takes on a pedagogical advanced seminar. He visits classes himself and advises the trainees. At the end of the training, he takes part in the 2nd state exams .

As a rule, the head of a study seminar for grammar schools or vocational schools is the senior director ; Seminar leaders for other types of schools are paid like a school director . Your position is an important element in the professionalization of teacher training.

In Bavaria the seminar leader is usually also the headmaster of the seminar school , which means that he has a lot more and different tasks.

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  1. ^ Jana Krüger: Perspektiven Pedagogical Professionalization: Teacher trainers in the preparatory service for teaching at vocational schools . Springer-Verlag, 2014, ISBN 978-3-658-05428-1 ( [accessed on July 26, 2020]).