Semi-perfect ring

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A semi-perfect ring in the mathematical branch of algebra is a ring over which every finitely generated link module has a projective cover . The term was introduced by Hyman Bass in 1959/60 .


In the following, let R be a ring with 1 , J = J (R) the Jacobson radical .

A ring R is called semi-perfect if it has one of the following equivalent properties:

  • Each simple R left / right module has a projective ceiling .
  • Every finitely generated R left / right module has a projective ceiling.
  • R / J is semi-simple, and any idempotent of R / J can be raised to R.
  • There is a decomposition with pairwise orthogonal, local idempotents


  • All leftartinian and rightartinian rings are semi-perfect.
  • Each local ring is semi-perfect.
  • A commutative ring R is semi-perfect if and only if R is a finite direct sum of local rings.
  • If R is semi-perfect and I is an ideal of R, then the factor ring R / I is also semi-perfect.
  • If R is semi-perfect and an idempotent, then eRe is also semi-perfect.