Senior (fraternity)

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Caricature on the subject of fraternities, 1894

Different types of student associations designate the first chairman of the active (student) members with senior (lat. The elder ) . Other designations are first charged or speaker .

Concept history

The term senior is very old and was used in Rostock as early as 1623 for the first charged of the old-style country teams . The corps that formed at the beginning of the 19th century took over the old name. The terms Consenior for the second person and (largely uncommon today) Subsenior for the third person are derived from the term “senior” .


The senior is the most important representative of a connection and leads most of the events like pubs , Kommerse , and Convente . The Mens uranium opportunities and women's events the responsibility of the usually Consenior . In the corps, the senior also represents his CC at the Seniors' Convent (SC), the local body of all corps at a university.

The senior is subject to the imperative mandate . He can be recalled at any time if he does not fulfill his duty.

Identification mark

The senior has a small cross (×) behind his name and the circle as a batch symbol . If the necessary requirements are met, he can use this symbol in brackets for his entire life after his term of office (one semester). In the corps it is common at some university locations (especially in Dresden, Göttingen, Jena, Leipzig, Munich and Erlangen) for the "senior" to have three crosses (×ikes) as batch symbols and the third party with one cross (×). Baltic corporations traditionally refer to the charged as "II.Ch!", "III.Ch!" And write out the title Senior as an addition to their name.


  • Erich Bauer : Schimmer book for young corps students . 7th edition, o. O., 2000, self-published by the Association of Old Corps Students (VAC) (not available in bookshops)
  • Rolf-Joachim Baum (Ed.): “We want men, we want action!” German corps students from 1848 to today . Siedler-Verlag, Berlin 1998. ISBN 3-88680-653-7
  • Wilhelm Fabricius : The German Corps. A historical representation with special consideration of the scaling . Berlin 1898 (2nd edition 1926)
  • Board of the Association of Alter Corps Students eV (VAC) Würzburg (ed.): Handbook of the Kösener Corps Students in two volumes , 6th edition, Würzburg 1985