Sennheiser Orpheus

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Sennheiser Orpheus is the product name for a system made up of electrostatic headphones and a tube amplifier from Sennheiser . The Sennheiser Orpheus is considered to be the most expensive headphones in the world.

Sennheiser sold the system in a limited number of 300 units from 1991. Headphones ("HE90") and amplifiers ("HEV90") are handmade. The recommended retail price was 30,000  marks (adjusted for inflation, corresponds to around 25,600 euros today).

In 2006, Sennheiser rebuilt a few headphones from the system and sold them for US $ 4,500 (approx. € 3,500) without the tube amplifier.

In November 2015, Sennheiser presented a newly developed combination of headphones and tube amplifier to the public. This is again marketed under the name 'Sennheiser Orpheus' and consists of the HE1060 headphones and the HEV 1060 tube amplifier. The price is € 59,900

Web links


  1. Sennheiser Orpheus: This is what the world's most expensive headphones sound like
  2. Sennheiser Orpheus: The most expensive headphones in the world
  3. Sennheiser Orpheus - the most expensive and perhaps best headphones in the world
  4. Sennheiser HE 1 - - It was 1991 when we created the best headphones in the world: Orpheus. Now we've done it again. Orpheus is born again. In unearthly pure sound and timeless beauty. Preserved its uncompromising philosophy. A flawless construction. With unique equipment details and state-of-the-art technology. Retrieved January 24, 2020 .