Serenity: Those Left Behind

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Serenity: Those Left Behind is a three-part comic book series released by Dark Horse Comics in 2005 . It connects the story between the series Firefly - The Dawn of Serenity and the movie Serenity - Escape into New Worlds . The idea came from Joss Whedon himself, but due to lack of time, the comic was written by series author Brett Matthews, drawn by Will Conrad and colored by Laura Martin. Each of the booklets has three different covers, so each of the nine main characters has its own cover. These three booklets and nine covers were combined in 2006 in the paperback Serenity: Those Left Behind .

The story tells how and why Inara and Shepherd Book leave the Serenity. Dobson (the Alliance agent from the pilot) teams up with the Hands of Blue to get revenge on Captain Reynolds. Towards the end the Hands of Blue are killed, so they are missing in the film.

In October 2008, Serenity: Better Days was a second comic series based on Firefly. As a further sequel, the comic book Serenity: Float Out appeared on June 2, 2010 .


  • Joss Whedon, Brett Matthews, Will Conrad, Laura Martin: Serenity. Those Left Behind . Dark Horse, Milwaukie 2006, ISBN 1-59307-449-2