Severianus (governor)

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(Marcius?) Severianus was a Roman politician in the middle of the 3rd century AD.

Severianus was the father or brother of Marcia Otacilia Severa , who was married to Emperor Philip Arabs . The nickname Severus seems to have been common in the Marcii Otacilii family , because both the Empress and her son Philip II carried it. It can be assumed that the family adopted this nickname among the Severians .

Severianus was probably appointed as governor of the Roman provinces of Macedonia (Macedonia) and both Moesia - Moesia inferior (Lower Moesia ) and Moesia superior (Upper Moesia ) - in a provincial military function at the beginning of the rule of Philip Arab, as the report of Zosimos suggests . Zosimos himself places the appointment in connection with the establishment of the emperor's brother, Gaius Iulius Priscus , in the east, who also held a cross-provincial position. It is uncertain whether Severianus exercised his function as senator or - like Priscus - as a knight . It is being considered whether Severianus could be identical with the consular not named in an inscription from Naissus from the year 245 ( AE 1957, 00135 ). If so, Severianus would actually have had senatorial rank.


  • Zosimos, New History 1,19,2.
