Sextus Quintilius Condianus (Consul 151)

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Sextus Quintilius Condianus was a Roman politician and senator of the 2nd century AD.

Condianus came from Alexandria Troas in the province of Asia and was a son of Sextus Quintilius Valerius Maximus, who was a legate of Achaea . In 151 Condianus became full consul with his brother Sextus Quintilius Valerius Maximus . This is evidenced by two military diplomas dated January 20, 151.

Apparently the brothers were then correctores from Achaea (from around 170/1 to 174/5). According to Philostratus the Elder Achaea, the two brothers ruled together. They are also attested in Mark Aurel's letter to the Athenians , found in 1966, probably from the years 174 or 175, as persons responsible for the justice of Achaea.

On the Via Appia you can see the ruins of the villa of the Quintilians built by the brothers .


Individual evidence

  1. military diplomas of the year 151 ( AE 2008, 1742 , RMM 00031 ).
  2. Werner Eck : The Fasti consulares of the reign of Antoninus Pius. An inventory since Géza Alföldy's consulate and senatorial status In: Studia Epigraphica in memoriam Géza Alföldy, Bonn 2013, ISBN 978-3-7749-3866-3 , pp. 69–90, here p. 76 ( online ).
  3. Philostratos Vitae sophistarum 2,1,11.