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The book Shipu ( Chinese食谱 “menu”) by Wei Juyuan (韦巨源) from the time of the Tang Dynasty is cited in Chinese literature under four different equal names:

  • Shipu (食谱 "menu")
  • Shaowei shidan (烧 尾 食 单 "Shaowei Banquet Menu")
  • Wei Juyuan shipu (韦巨源 食谱 "Menu of Wei Juyuan")
  • Shaoweiyan shidan (烧 尾 宴 食 单 "Shaowei Banquet Menu")

It records some of the dishes of a Shaowei Banquet (烧 尾 宴), a feast at the imperial court in the Zhongzong era of the Tang Dynasty , which the official Wei Juyuan韦巨源 gave when he became a minister (with the official title of "shangshu zuopuye 尚书 左仆射 ") was promoted.

A total of 58 dishes are described and their preparation is briefly explained.

It provides important material for research into the cuisine of the Tang Dynasty .

Tradition through the Qingyilu

It is contained in the work called Qingyi lu (清 异 录), Section Zhuanxiumen (馔 羞 门), a collection of anecdotes compiled by Tao Gu (陶 谷) from the Song Dynasty (which in turn is printed in the Baoyantang miji宝 颜 堂 秘笈has been).

Prints and modern editions

Contained in several old book collections, including the modern Japanese book series Chugoku shokkei sosho .


  1. The Shaoweiyan烧 尾 宴 is a banquet at the imperial court of the Tang Dynasty, which high officials gave for their debut, for a promotion or when they were given a fief. Compare the keyword Shaoweiyan烧 尾 宴 in Zhongguo pengren baike quanshu
  2. Our presentation is based on Zhongguo pengren cidian and Zhongguo pengren baike quanshu and has been supplemented by some information.


See also