Shinji Himeno

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Shinji Himeno ( Japanese 姫 野 慎 二 , Himeno Shinji ; * 1966 in Tokushima , Japan) is a painter who lives and works in Berlin and is stylistically close to magical realism .


Shinji Himeno was born in Tokushima , Japan in 1966 . 1988 showed him the wife of the Japanese ambassador in Bonn in a German magazine that Tokyo Peasant War Panorama by Werner Tübke in Bad Frankenhausen. The encounter with this monumental painting in the manner of the old masters impressed Shinji Himeno so much that he decided to go to Germany to learn his artistic craft. After the fall of the Berlin Wall in 1989, he first moved to Berlin. In the fall of 1991 Shinji Himeno went to a vernissage in Leipzig, where he met Werner Tübke, a representative of the so-called Leipzig School , in person. He told him that he had come to Germany with the desire to study with him. At that time, Werner Tübke was no longer teaching at the University of Graphics and Book Art in Leipzig, but he definitely recommended that he study at the well-known art academy. Shinji Himeno completed his undergraduate studies in Leipzig until 1993 and switched to the Academy of Fine Arts in Vienna for the main course . Here he completed his studies in 1997 as a master student of Arik Brauer , one of the main representatives of the Vienna School of Fantastic Realism .

Shinji Himeno has lived and worked in Berlin since 1997.


since 1997 in the Rutzmoser gallery in Munich, the Austrian Tobacco Museum in Vienna, Innsbruck and Linz and in the Schwind gallery, Leipzig | Frankfurt am Main and the Collectie Harms, Rolde (Netherlands)


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