Shinsen Shōjiroku

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The Shinsen Shōjiroku ( Japanese. 新 撰 姓氏 録 , dt. "Revised records of hereditary status titles ( kabane ) and clans") is a Japanese genealogical work divided into 30 parts, which was compiled by order of the Saga Tennō in the years 814/15. The Chinese Shì zú zhì ( Chinese  氏族 志 , Japanese Shizokushi ) served as a model . This should prevent (further) genealogical forgeries.


The work provides information on 1182 genders, which were grouped according to their origin:

  • Clans that derive their origin from the Tennō family ( 皇 別 , kōbetsu : 335 entries)
  • Clans that derive their origin from certain deities ( 神 別 , shimbetsu : 404 entries)
  • foreign clans ( 諸蕃 , shoban : 326 entries)
  • various, not specific clans ( miteizasshō : 117 entries)

More than half of the immigrant clans came from China (163 entries), the others from four empires on the Korean peninsula: Baekje (104 entries), Goguryeo (41 entries), Silla (9 entries) and Gaya (9 entries).


  • Saeki Arikiyo: Shinsen Shōjiroku no kenkyū . New edition: Yoshikawa Kōbunkan, 2007 ( 佐伯 有 清 『新 撰 姓氏 録 の 研究』 )

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