Shunting yard algorithm

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Graphic illustration of the algorithm as a 3-way turnout.

The shunting yard algorithm is a method to convert mathematical terms from the infix notation into the reverse Polish notation or into an abstract syntax tree . The algorithm was developed by Edsger W. Dijkstra invented and English shunting yard , marshalling yard ' named because he's way of working to a marshalling yard recalls.


The shunting yard algorithm requires both an input and an output queue for the conversion, as well as a stack , which is required for the intermediate storage of the operators. The input string is read character by character, with all numbers being written directly to the output variable in the same order. If the pending character is an operation character, it is placed on the operator stack. If an operator is already on the stack, the operator priority and operator associativity are used to decide whether the new operator should be placed directly on the stack or whether the stack should be emptied into the output first.

Opening brackets are also placed on the operator stack, but they are not written to the output stream when they are removed. With closing brackets, the stack is emptied until an opening bracket is encountered; if no opening brackets are found, the input string is incomplete, although the error handling is not defined by the algorithm.

In detail

This is followed by a German pseudo-code that can be easily translated and adapted into most programming languages.

    Stack mit LIFO-Prinzip und Ausgabe-Queue anlegen.
    SOLANGE Tokens verfügbar sind:
        Token einlesen.
        WENN Token IST-Zahl:
            Token ZU Ausgabe.
        WENN Token IST-Funktion:
            Token ZU Stack.
        WENN Token IST-Argumenttrennzeichen:
            BIS Stack-Spitze IST öffnende-Klammer:
                Stack-Spitze ZU Ausgabe.
                FEHLER-BEI Stack IST-LEER:
                    GRUND (1) Ein falsch platziertes Argumenttrennzeichen.
                    GRUND (2) Der schließenden Klammer geht keine öffnende voraus.
        WENN Token IST-Operator
                    Stack-Spitze IST Operator UND
                    Token IST-linksassoziativ UND
                    Präzedenz von Token IST-KLEINER-GLEICH Präzedenz von Stack-Spitze
                Stack-Spitze ZU Ausgabe.
            Token ZU Stack.
        WENN Token IST öffnende-Klammer:
            Token ZU Stack.
        WENN Token IST schließende-Klammer:
            BIS Stack-Spitze IST öffnende-Klammer:
                FEHLER-BEI Stack IST-LEER:
                    GRUND (1) Der schließenden Klammer geht keine öffnende voraus.
                Stack-Spitze ZU Ausgabe.
            Stack-Spitze (öffnende-Klammer) entfernen
            WENN Stack-Spitze IST-Funktion:
                Stack-Spitze ZU Ausgabe.
    BIS Stack IST-LEER:
        FEHLER-BEI Stack-Spitze IST öffnende-Klammer:
            GRUND (1) Es gibt mehr öffnende als schließende Klammern.
        Stack-Spitze ZU Ausgabe.

This algorithm assumes that all tokens are correctly recognized and are valid. In particular, this algorithm does not take over the superposition of the characters “+” and “-”. A conflict between right and left associative operators with the same precedence is not caught.

The “reading” access to the stack (e.g. with “Stack top ACT”) and the “taking” (with “Stack top CLOSED”) are required.

Required functions are:

  • Recognize numbers
  • Recognize functions
  • Recognizing argument separators
  • Recognize operators
  • Determine operator associativity
  • Determining the operator precedence (here higher precedence means a stronger bond), the precedence of a function is maximal.


The following calculations, given in Infix notation, are to be transformed. It is documented what happens.

Precedents: ( +, ) <( ·, :) <( ^) <functions

(3 + 4) (5 - 6)

  1. Summarize tokens: (3+4)(56)(Here: every character is a token)
  2. ( on the stack.
  3. 3 for output
  4. + on the stack
  5. 4 for output
  6. ):
    1. + for output
    2. ( remove from the stack
  7. Operator expected but (found:
    1. implicit ·on the stack
    2. ( on the stack
  8. 5 for output
  9. on the stack
  10. 6 for output
  11. ):
    1. for output
    2. ( remove from the stack
  12. End: ·to issue


1 + 2 - 3 4 + 5 ^ 6 ^ 7 8 - 9

  1. Summarize tokens: 1+23·4+5^6^7·89(Here: every character is a token)
  2. 1 for output
  3. + on the stack
  4. 2 for output
  5. :
    1. + for output
    2. on the stack
  6. 3 for output
  7. · on the stack
  8. 4 for output
  9. +:
    1. · for output
    2. for output
    3. + on the stack
  10. 5 for output
  11. ^ on the stack
  12. 6 for output
  13. ^on the stack ( ^is right-associative)
  14. 7 for output
  15. ·:
    1. ^ for output
    2. ^ for output
    3. · on the stack
  16. 8 for output
  17. :
    1. · for output
    2. + for output
    3. on stack
  18. 9 for output
  19. End: to issue

Output: 12+34·567^^8·+9

Explicitly in parentheses ([(1 + 2) - (3 · 4)] + {[5 ^ (6 ^ 7)] · 8}) - 9 this is possibly easier to understand.

cos (1 + sin (ln (5) - exp (8)) ^ 2)

  1. Summarize tokens: cos ( 1 + sin ( ln ( 5 ) exp ( 8 ) ) ^ 2 )
  2. cos on the stack
  3. ( on the stack
  4. 1 for output
  5. + on the stack
  6. sin on the stack
  7. ( on the stack
  8. ln on the stack
  9. ( on the stack
  10. 5 for output
  11. ):
    1. (Remove the top one from the stack
    2. ln for output
  12. on the stack
  13. exp on the stack
  14. ( on the stack
  15. 8 for output
  16. ):
    1. (Remove the top one from the stack
    2. exp for output
  17. ):
    1. for output
    2. (Remove the top one from the stack
    3. sin for output
  18. ^ on the stack
  19. 2 for output
  20. ):
    1. ^ for output
    2. + for output
    3. (Remove the top one from the stack
    4. cos for output
  21. End: No remaining elements in the stack, so you're done!

Output: 15ln8expsin2^+cos

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