Siegburg open-air games

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The Siegburger Freilichtspiele was a theater festival in Siegburg .

In 2004 the Siegburg open-air theater was launched on the Michaelsberg in Siegburg in the courtyard of the Benedictine Abbey of St. Michael . The initiator was Jörg Kaehler . He had to do without subsidies. The company was essentially self-sustaining through the tickets it sold. The pieces that Kaehler brought out were full of people and the furnishings were opulent. Works by Hofmannsthal, Goethe, Rostand, Shakespeare and Goldoni were played. All plays were staged by Kaehler, who also appeared as an actor, for example as old Faust or as brother Lorenzo in "Romeo and Juliet". After 2010 the games had to end because the monastery dissolved.

Performed works

  • 2004/05 Jedermann (title role: Richard Hucke)
  • 2006 Mirandolina (title role: Sibylle Kuhne )
  • 2007 Faust I (title role: Jörg Kaehler / Gunter Heun, Gretchen: Beatrice Kaps-Zurmahr , Mephisto: Walter Gontermann )
  • 2008 Romeo and Juliet (title roles: Vanessa Rose, Bernhard Koessler-Dirsch)
  • 2009 Cyrano de Bergerac (title role: Holger Irrmisch)
  • 2010 Jedermann (title role: Richard Hucke)

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