Simon Hartmann

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Simon Hartmann (born June 22, 1977 in Northeim ) is a German politician ( SPD ). Since 2018 he has been mayor of the city of Northeim in southern Lower Saxony.


Personal and professional career

Simon Hartmann was born in Northeim in 1977 and lived in the Hillerse district until 2001. Since then he has lived in the city center. He is married and has one son.

In 1997 he completed an apprenticeship as an administrative clerk at the city of Northeim and from then on worked in the culture office of the city of Northeim and in the social office of the city and the district of Northeim . After working at the communal data processing center for southern Lower Saxony (KDS) in Göttingen from 2004 to 2010, he was parliamentary advisor for the political fields of economy, labor and transport as well as budget and finances at the SPD parliamentary group in Lower Saxony until 2013. Most recently he was the personal advisor to the Lower Saxony minister of education and also his office manager.

Political career

In 1993 Hartmann became a member of the SPD. From 1999 to 2004 he was chairman of the Juso working group Northeim and at the same time a member of the board of the Juso sub-district Northeim-Einbeck. He served as chairman of the Northeimer SPD from 2004 to 2016. Since 2007 he has been deputy chairman of the SPD sub-district Northeim-Einbeck.

From 2006 to 2018 he was a member of the Northeim district council and most recently chairman of his party. Between 2008 and 2011 he was also a member of the Northeim City Council.

On March 11, 2018, he prevailed in the election of Northeim's mayor against the chamberlain and acting mayor of Northeim Jörg Dodenhöft (CDU) with 57.1 percent.

Individual evidence

  1. Election result , last accessed on March 15, 2018.