Samson Hospice

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The Samson hospice was an important, of Cluniacs built rest stop for pilgrims in Constantinople Opel ahead of time of the Crusades . The Samson Hospice was reserved for western pilgrims.

The stream of pilgrims during the 10th century could u. a. walk the route through Byzantine Italy, make the short sea voyage from Bari to Dyrrhachion and then follow the ancient Roman Via Egnatia to Thessalonike . Due to the dangers of the journey, accommodations were necessary that offered the pilgrims adequate protection in a benevolent environment. At the beginning of the pilgrimages, Cluniacians therefore built pilgrim hostels along their path. There were several hostels in Italy, some of them reserved for Scandinavians .

Other large Cluniac hospices were located in Melk , Austria, and Rodosto in what is now Turkey.


  • Steven Runciman: History of the Crusades. Deutscher Taschenbuch Verlag, Munich 2003, ISBN 3-423-30175-9