Siti Hartinah Suharto

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Suharto and Ibu Tien

Siti Hartinah Suharto (born August 23, 1923 in Surakarta , † April 28, 1996 in Jakarta ), also known as Ibu Tien , was the wife of Suhartos , the second president of Indonesia and practiced as his political confidante and advisor from Suharto's inauguration in From 1967 to her death in 1996 she had a great influence on the economy and politics in Indonesia.

Siti Hartinah Suharto's domestic political influence can be compared to that of Imelda Marcos in the Philippines. Siti Hartinah is known in Indonesia under the name "Ibu Tien", which means something like Madame Tien. There are Javanese , including the prominent Indonesian social historian Ong Hok Ham, who see in her a source of Suharto's power.

Siti Hartinah and Haji Mohamed Suharto married on December 26, 1947 in Surakarta and then lived in Yogyakarta on Java . They had six children together: Siti Hardiyanti Rukmana (Tutut), Sigit Harjojudanto (Sigit), Bambang Trihatmodjo (Bambang), Siti Hediati (Titiek), Hutomo Mandala Putra (Tommy) and Siti Hutami Endang Adiningsih (Mamiek), as well as 11 grandchildren and several great-grandchildren.

Web links

Commons : Siti Hartinah  - collection of images, videos and audio files


  • Robert Edward Elson: Suharto: A Political Biography . Cambridge University Press, 2001. ISBN 0-521-77326-1
  • Abdul Gafur: Siti Hartinah Soeharto: First Lady of Indonesia . PT. Citra Lamtoro Gung Persada, 1992.
  • Mahiddin Mahmud: Who's Who in Indonesia . Gunung Agung, 1990.
  1. ^ David Bourchier, Dynamics of Dissent in Indonesia: Sawito and the Phantom Coup, p. 63, FN 59