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Skattelister ( German : tax list or tax register ) refers to a list in which all residents of Norway are recorded who have earned income inland or were taxable within one year. In addition to personal details (full name and year of birth), this list shows the amount of income ( Inntekt ), taxes paid ( Skatt ) and assets ( Formue ). However, income earned abroad is not recorded by the Skattelister. The same applies to taxpayers' balances outside of Norway.

From 2001 onwards, the information in the list was freely accessible on the Internet. A survey that was carried out found that only 32 percent of Norwegians support the list, while 46 percent oppose it. One reason for the mostly critical assessment is the fear that the list could be misused by criminals.

Since 2012, the lists are no longer freely accessible, but you have to register on the state website to see them. However, it cannot be seen who has accessed a particular list.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Norway Divided by Citizen Wealth Tables - article in The New York Times of 23 October 2009 (English)
  2. The Frightening Truth - Article in the morris daily herald of October 31, 2009 (English)