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Skippie (from English s chool ki ds with i ncome and p urchase p ower, also "skipp" -ie; in German about " students with income and purchasing power ") describes the group of people who are characterized by the characteristics on the one hand

  • To be a student
on the other hand about
  • Income (regular income, e.g. pocket money, jobs, inheritance, etc.)
to dispose of.

This acronym is used in a business context and enables, for example, psychographic segmentation in marketing .

Similar terms

  • Buppie (black yuppie)
  • Rumpie (rural, upwardly-mobile professional), young, newcomer from the country or career-conscious person.
  • Woopie (well-off older people), financially secure (and therefore affluent) seniors.
  • Yuppie (young urban professional), young, career-conscious, metropolitan person.
  • Yuspie (young urban single professional), a single with a university degree and a good position.