Social Watch Germany

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Social Watch Germany, founded in January 1994 (previously the German NGO Forum World Social Summit ), is a nationwide coalition of non-governmental organizations from the fields of social policy and development policy that works together in a network with similar groups around the world.

These include the German Caritas Association , terre des hommes Deutschland e. V. as well as workers 'organizations such as the Catholic workers' movement and the ver.di trade union .

In October 2007 , Social Watch Germany presented a German version of the Social Watch Report for the seventh time . Some of the contributions are translations from the English edition published by the Instituto Del Tercer Mundo in Montevideo for the international Social Watch Network with over 420 non-governmental organizations. This will contribute to the implementation of the resolutions of the World Summit on Social Development of March 1995 and the Millennium Summit of the United Nations in September 2000. Social Watch Germany has not been active since mid-2010.

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