Soldier (computer game)

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Senior Developer Michal Marcinkowski

Nick Cooper
Gregor A. Cieslak
Jacob Lindberg
Reko Tiira

Tony Libell
August 23, 2002
platform Windows
genre Third person shooter
Game mode Multiplayer
control Keyboard , mouse
medium Download
language German and another 22 languages
Current version 1.7.1 (as of July 4, 2016)
information The game is shareware for an unlimited period of time (with registration, some features will be activated.)
PolyWorks is an open source soldier map editor

Soldat is a shareware 2D multiplayer shooter from the Polish developer Michał Marcinkowski. It contains elements from games like Worms and Counter-Strike . You fight either in a team or alone against other soldiers. You can choose from a large arsenal of weapons.


There are three ways to change the game independently of the game mode:

  • Realistic - higher weapon damage, limited field of vision, etc.
  • Survival - no respawn until the end of the round
  • Advanced - Primary weapons must be unlocked individually

There is also the possibility to modify his soldier, i. H. you can z. B. change the colors of his clothes and hair.

Of course, you can also play without any variation.

Some important features:


In Soldier you can choose between ten primary and four secondary weapons. Weapons like bows, flamethrowers and (cluster) grenades can be obtained by power-up .

The weapons reflect to some extent, but not completely, the properties of the original weapons. For example, the magazine size and reload time are kept very realistic, while the speed of the projectiles for all weapons is much slower than in the real world. The properties of the weapons can be modified. In addition, the scattering angle is very high, since with Soldat you only have to hit the target in two dimensions.


It is possible to modify the game with your own, self-edited graphics for, for example, interface , weapons and sounds. These only have to be copied into a designated folder in order to be recognized when the game starts.


Taunts are so-called keyboard shortcuts with which you can quickly pass information on to other players on the same team (TeamChat) or to everyone (Chat) in the game. You call it up by pressing [ALT] + [letter-or-number] simultaneously for a short period of time.

Standard taunts exist, such as Heavy Machine Gun ahead! and "clan communication taunts" that look like this:

  • [E] nemy [F] lay [C] arrier LOW / MID / HIGH
  • [F] riendly [F] lay [C] arrier LOW / MID / HIGH
  • [INC] oming LOW / MID / HIGH

With these three standard statements you can communicate with your teammates who are on the same team without audio communication software. To prevent the opposing team from getting this information, put a sign in front of it: ^ [E] nemy [F] lag [C] arrier LOW.


Soldat is programmed in Delphi and uses DirectX up to version 1.6.9 . From version 1.7.0 a rewrite of the renderer was implemented using OpenGL . Soldat can also run on Linux and macOS using Wine and its forks .

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