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Prežihov Voranc, lily of the valley. German edition Drava Verlag, 1985

Solzice is a volume of short stories by the Slovenian writer Prežihov Voranc (1893–1950), which was published in 1949. The German translation is lily of the valley .


The narrow volume contains 11 childhood stories in which the author describes autobiographical memories of his childhood in the Slovenian-settled Carinthian Köttlach, which came to Yugoslavia after the First World War. These memories and small experiences are presented unadorned and realistically, but still radiate great human warmth. The communist author, whose work can be assigned to social realism, does not use his worldview, as in his other works, for tendentious or propagandistic representation, but describes realistically and universally human.

Prežihov Voranc grew up as the son of a tenant on a so-called Keuschlerhof. The stories either deal with their own childhood experiences or those of children around them. They reflect the hard everyday life in the Slovenian smallholder milieu of Carinthia around 1900. In addition, the child's psyche and its fears are described very well psychologically. The short stories also contain beautiful descriptions of nature.

The individual stories in the volume:

Lilies of the valley . The cover story describes the author's own experiences from his pre-school days, when he had to drive his father's sheep to pasture early in the morning. The little shepherd was very afraid of a ravine that was commonly called "Hell", but in which numerous plants grew. Once he needed a white lie to get out of this ravine, his father didn't send him there again. Later, however, he once heard his mother want to take lilies of the valley with her to church. But it was too late for that at this time of year. Only in "hell" did some still grow. Then the boy overcame his fear, got up early in the morning and, without his parents noticing, crept into the ravine, from where he brought home the flowers he wanted for his mother.

The reward . Lenčka and Anej were the children of a woodcutter. When one day the forest owner gave his father an order to cut a certain amount of wood, the whole family, including the children, eagerly helped. The prospect of the promised reward drove the father, who was already imagining what he wanted to buy with the money he had earned. During an inspection visit by the owner, the father arranged for him to promise the helping children a reward. The children also dreamed of what they wanted to do with the reward. But when the work was done weeks later, referring to the bad times, the owner paid the father only a fraction of what he had promised him. The children received nothing. The impression of this treatment, which was perceived as unjust, made them want to go down into the valley later, when they grew up, in order to earn there what their father had been denied on the mountain. This story already takes place in Yugoslav times.

The hammered Kramoh . The orphan Vinzenz was especially offended when he was nicknamed "hammered Kramoh", as the other children carelessly did. When the author once did this while playing, and afterwards he noticed his tears and realized how much this had hurt him, the author was cured of this thoughtless habit and in future defended Vincent if he was offended by others again.

Pain . When the six-year-old author had to go to school, he was very reluctant to do so. The way from the mountain down into the valley was long and dangerous in winter, because the heavy sledges loaded with wood drove down on it and had to be avoided. One day the boy jumped to the side in front of such an approaching sledge and stayed under a tree in the snow, as it seemed quite pleasant there to him. But soon he lost consciousness and was saved from freezing to death at the last moment by his father who went looking for him. When he once observed from the mountain how a fire in the valley struck house after house, even the church, to his chagrin, the school building was one of the few that was spared from the fire. So he had to continue making his way to the unloved school.

The left skirt pocket . With the neighbors you were even poorer than in your own house. When the mother of the five children died there, they were always happy to come over to the author's parents' house, because they got something to eat here and were treated kindly. In a humorous way Prežihov Voranc describes how his mother regularly asked the children about news in the neighboring house and gave them bread or clothes. Since their parents (the father had brought a stepmother into the house) did not like to see this because they were ashamed of their poverty, they were always beaten after coming home and therefore never wanted to go home. Then their mother made their farewell sweeter by putting dried fruit and nuts in their pockets. When the youngest wore a worn jacket that was much too big, she almost overlooked the fact that the little one also had a left skirt pocket. When she was made aware of this, she quickly made up for what she had missed and filled it up for him too. In the story, the bitter poverty and the living conditions are reflected in a chaste of the time.

Higher math . Young Korej is particularly interested in the local mine, where his father also works in administration. Korej hangs around the whole day in front of the mine, in which he too would like to work, and watches exactly what is being worked there. When he sees (he can already read and write well) his father writing down wrong numbers, he cannot explain this at first. During the night, he witnessed his father telling his mother that he had an agreement with a timber merchant who supplies wood for the mine, with which the mine was cheated and for which the father received bribes. That night the childlike innocence of Korej ended.

Good morning . In this story, the author describes the conflict when, as a child, the teacher taught him to greet in German at school, but his nationally minded father forbade him to do so. Outside of school, his father wanted him to only greet him in Slovene. At first, education in school turned out to be stronger. But once when he was tending his sheep and met a stranger, after some thought he greeted him in German. The man answered him in Slovene, so that the boy was ashamed and from then on had no remorse if he no longer followed the instructions of the school in the future.

The first letter . The theme is similar in this story. A letter was to be written to the brother who went to high school in Klagenfurt. Since the author had learned to write in school, he now had to write a letter for the first time. When his mother had announced the contents and after many difficulties the letter was finally ready, his father suddenly interfered when only the address had to be written on the envelope. The brother had given his address to Klagenfurt. But the nationalist father insisted, contrary to all the reservations of the more pragmatic mother, who was careful that her son actually received the letter, that the Slovenian name of the city, Celovec, be put on the envelope, regardless of whether the letter was the post now correctly delivered or not.

Three Easter gifts . At Easter it was customary to send his godchildren Easter presents, which consisted of a pastry called Reindling, an Easter egg and a coin. These gifts should be as generous as possible. However, since the father insisted on sending his godchild only the smallest possible coin, the author was in no small embarrassment when on the way with his present he met two other children who were also delivering their Easter presents, one of which was for himself. When comparing the presents, it turned out that the present he was going to bring was the worst, while he himself was to receive a large coin. In his embarrassment, he took the coin he had been given and put it in the present he had to bring. He hadn't taken into account that his parents had already counted on the money that should have been used to buy the child various items of clothing, and that they were now missing.

May 1st . In this story, in addition to particularly beautiful descriptions of nature, the author tells his experience when he met a group of factory workers for the first time while shepherding sheep, who are celebrating May Day and who also give him a red carnation. Since then, his negative attitudes towards the workers, whom the father disliked, had changed.

The stubble field . The story tells the shame of the already greater author when he sees his old grandmother cutting Haiden in the field. It should be the last time the grandmother underwent the heavy labor before she died.

Prežihov Voranc himself said of his book: "I wanted to prove to educators, who often think that children are toys, that children are people, real people who feel and think and often experience life around them more deeply and more strongly than adults . "


Solzice is Prežihov Voranc's last book, published a year before his death in 1949. At that time the author lived in his homeland, rather withdrawn and disaffected by the world, and dealt with agriculture there, although he had received honorable functions from the communist state. With his last work he returned thematically to his childhood. Solzice was used especially in Yugoslavia as a book for young people and school reading and is the work by Prežihov Voranc that has been published and translated most often. In 1950 the author was awarded the Prešeren Prize for Solzice .

  • Prežihov Voranc: Solzice . Ljubljana: Mladinska knjiga, 1949
  • further editions 1956, 1964, 1967, 1968, 1971, 1973, 1976, 1977, 1978, 1981, 1983, 1985, 1988, 2002
  • Lovro Kuhar - Prežihov Voranc: Zbrano delo Vol. 3 . In it u. a. also Solzice. Ljubljana: Državna založba Slovenije, 1971
  • Prežihov Voranc: Greh na odoru / Solzice / Gosposvetsko polje . Ljubljana: Mladinska knjiga, 1979
  • Prežihov Voranc Vol. 2. Samorastniki; Potopisne slike in reportaže; Solzice. Ljubljana: DZS, 2000
  • Prežihov Voranc: Solzice . Ljubljana: Karantanija, 2000
  • Prežihov Voranc: Solzice. Ljubljana: Prežihova ustanova, 2003, ISBN 961-238-225-5



  • Prezhihov Voranc: Lulet e Shëngjergjit . Belgrade: Decja knjiga, 1951
  • Nazor, Qopiq, Glishio e Voranc: Tregime nga lektyra shkollore . Prishtina: Shtëpija botuese "Milladin Popoviq", 1957 (in it two stories from Solzice)
  • Prezhihov Voranc: Lulet e shëngjergjit . Prishtina: Rilindja, 1966


  • Prežihov Voranc: Levijat džob . Sofia: Otečestvo, 1985


  • Linglanhua . Beijing: Renmin wenxue chubanshe, 1980


  • Prežihov Voranc: the left skirt pocket . Translation: Fritz Frankl. Herrsching: Pawlak, 1985
  • Prežihov Voranc: lilies of the valley. Eleven childhood stories . Translation: Klaus Detlef Olof. Klagenfurt: Drava; [Trieste]: Editoriale stampa triestina, cop. 1985
  • Prežihov Voranc: lilies of the valley . New translation: Klaus Detlef Olof. Klagenfurt; Salzburg: Wieser, cop. 1993


  • Prežihov Voranc: Mughetti . Brescia: La Scuola, 1966


  • Prežihov Voranc: Đurđice . Zagreb: Novo pokolenje, 1950
  • Prežihov Voranc: Đurđice . Zagreb: Školska knjiga, 1957
  • Prežihov Voranc: Đurđice . Zagreb: Školska knjiga, 1963
  • Prežihov Voranc: Đurđice . Zagreb: Naša djeca, 1968
  • Prežihov Voranc: Đurđice . Zagreb: Školska knjiga, 1980
  • Prežihov Voranc: Đurđice . Zagreb: Školska knnjiga, 1981
  • Prežihov Voranc: Đurđice . Zagreb: Školska knjiga, 1983


  • Prežihov Voranc: Momini solzi . Skopje: Kočo Racin, 1953
  • Prežihov Voranc: Momina solza . Skopje: Kultura, 1962
  • Prežihov Voranc: Momina solza . Skopje: Kultura, 1965
  • Prežihov Voranc: Momina solza . Skopje: Makedonska knjiga, 1968


  • Lăcrămioarele . Novi Sad: Institutul pentru editarea manualelor; Zavod za izdavanje udžbenika, 1991


  • Prežihov Voranc: Landyši . Moscow: Gosudarstvennoe izdatel'stvo hudožestvennoj literatury, 1959


  • Prežihov Voranc: Đurđevak . [Belgrade]: Novo pokolenje, 1949
  • Prežihov Voranc: Đurđevak . Belgrade: Novo pokolenje, 1952
  • Prežihov Voranc: Đurđevak . Belgrade: Dečja knjiga, 1958
  • Prežihov Voranc: Đurđevak; Nagrada . Belgrade: Mlado pokolenje, 1961
  • Vladimir Nazor, Voranc Prežihov, Vančo Nikolenski: Pripovetke . Belgrade: Mlado pokolenje, 1971
  • Vladimir Nazor: Veli Jože / Prežihov Forward : Đurđevak . Belgrade: Prosveta, 1974
  • Voranc Prežihov: Đurđevak . Belgrade: Neolit ​​[etc.], 1978
  • Prežihov Voranc: Đurđevak . Novi Sad: Zavod za izdavanje udžbenika, 1980
  • Prežihov Voranc: Đurđevak . Belgrade: Nolit: Prosveta: Zavod za udžbenike i nastavna sredstva, 1980
  • Prežihov Voranc: Đurđevak . Belgrade: Nolit: Prosveta: Zavod za udžbenike i nastavna sredstva, 1981
  • Prežihov Voranc: Đurđevak i druge priče . Titograd: Republički zavod za unapređivanje školstva, 1981
  • Prežihov Voranc: Đurđevak . Novi Sad: Zavod za izdavanje udžbenika, 1983
  • Voranc Prežihov: Đurđevak . Belgrade: Nolit: Prosveta: Zavod za udžbenike i nastavna sredstva, 1983
  • Prežihov Voranc: Đurđevak . Belgrade: Nolit, 1986
  • Prežihov Voranc: Đurđevak . Sarajevo: "Veselina Maleša", 1987
  • Voranc Prežihov: Đurđevak . Belgrade: Nolit, 1987
  • Voranc Prežihov: Đurđevak . Belgrade: Nolit, 1988
  • Prežihov Voranc: Đurđevak i druge priče . Titograd: Republički zavod za unapređivanje vaspitanja i obrazovanja, 1989
  • Prežihov Voranc: Đurđevak . Novi Sad: Zavod za izdavanje udžbenika, 1990
  • Prežihov Voranc: Đurđevak . Novi Sad: Zavod za izdavanje udžbenika, 1992


  • Prežihov Voranc: Izbor . Sarajevo: Svjetlost, 1960 (therein good morning )
  • Prežihov Voranc: Đurđevak . Sarajevo: Svjetlost, 1961
  • Prežihov Voranc: Durđevak . Sarajevo: Svjetlost, 1964
  • Prežihov Voranc: Đurđevak . Sarajevo: Svjetlost, 1969
  • Prežihov Voranc: Đurđevak . Sarajevo: Svjetlost, 1977
  • Prežihov Voranc: Đurđevak . Sarajevo: Svjetlost, 1980
  • Prežihov Voranc: Đurđevak . Sarajevo: Svjetlost, 1984
  • Prežihov Voranc: Đurđevak . Sarajevo: "Veselin Maleša", 1984
  • Voranc Prežihov: Đurđevak . Beograd: Nolit: Prosveta: Zavod za Udžbenike i nastavna sredstva, 1984
  • Prežihov Voranc: Đurđevak . Sarajevo: "Veselin Maleša", 1987
  • Prežihov Voranc: Đurđevak . Sarajevo: Svjetlost, 1987
  • Prežihov Voranc: Đurđevak . Sarajevo: Svjetlost, 1989
  • Prežihov Voranc: Đurđevak . Sarajevo: Svjetlost, 1989
  • Prežihov Voranc: Dobro jutro . Ljubljana: Vodnikova domačija, Kulturni vikend djece iz BiH, 1994


  • Prežihov Voranc: Konvalinky . Petrovec: Bratstvo-Jednota, 1952
  • Prežihov Voranc: Konvalinky . Ljubljana: Mladinska knjiga, 1968


  • Prežihov Voranc: Slzičky . Prague: Státní nakladatelství détske knihy, 1959


  • Prejihov Voranc: Çigdem . Üsküp: Nova makedoniya: Detska radost, 1965


  • Prezsihov Voranc: Gyöngyvirág . Újvidék: Testvériség-Egység, 1951
  • Gyöngyvirág . Novi Sad: Tankönyvkiadó Tntézet: Zavod za izdavanje udžbenika, 1991


  • Prežyhau Voranc: Padarunki . Minsk: Junactava, 1986


  • Solzice . Director: Milena Ogorelec. Ljubljana: RTV, 1974


  • Suzana Cergol: When I was the forest farmer's boy, Peter Roseggerja in Solzice Prežihovega Voranca. Analogija kot imanenca in razhajanje v tematskih in jezikovno-stilnih Strukturah dveh proznih del . Maribor: Slavistično društvo, 2001