Special fund

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Fund stands for:

  • Special assets (investment company) , investment capital of fund investors that is legally separated from the assets of the investment company
  • Extra budget , in Germany not or partially legal institutions that were created for special tasks
  • Retirement provision special assets , investment funds that have been specially created for retirement provision
  • Municipal special fund , parts of the municipality that are legally dependent in Germany
  • Special assets (pension) , in the area of ​​professional pension funds to cover the pension entitlements of the insured, managed by the respective pension funds
  • ERP special fund from the post-war European Recovery Program (ERP)
  • Paraphernalia (legal history) , personal property of the bride, which, in addition to the dowry, passes into the administration of the husband
  • Pekulium , in ancient Rome a separate part of the property of the pater familias , which was left to house children or house slaves for independent management