Specific leaf area

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The specific leaf area (or SLA from English specific leaf area ) describes the ratio of leaf area and dry matter . The calculation is often used in describing plant growth ( growth response ) as a function of different treatments or scenarios.


The specific leaf area is defined as the quotient of leaf area and dry mass: SLA = A / m

The youngest fully developed is used for calculation of the leaf area often leaf used and directly after the harvest measured (z. B. scan ). The dry matter is measured on the same sheet after it has completely dried (65 ° C). A high specific leaf area means a high ratio of moisture to surface area, as can be observed with watery or very thin leaves.

plant SLA (dm² / g)
Grasses 1.4 - 5
Deciduous trees 1.2-3
Hartlaub 0.3-0.6


Factors that positively influence the SLA are mainly temperature , solar radiation and nitrogen supply , which mostly correlate positively. However, increased CO 2 concentrations , for example, due to the increased incorporation of carbohydrates in the leaf with the same leaf area, can lead to a lowering of the SLA. Drought stress also leads to a smaller leaf area due to the need for reduced transpiration and thus to a lower SLA. The exception to this is the birch .

In some species, such as the poplar , the specific leaf area increases constantly during the maturity of a leaf and then decreases again.

The specific leaf area depends on the leaf thickness and the leaf composition and can in many situations describe the relationship better than, for example, the dry matter alone could.

See also

Individual evidence

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