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A spolas ( Greek  σπολάς ) was an armor in ancient Greece.


The Spolas was a breastplate made of leather. It consisted of a thick tunic with strips of leather sewn onto it. It was a very thin armor that allowed the warrior a lot of freedom of movement. Due to the cheap production method, even financially weak warriors could afford such armor.


Originally the Spolas came from Macedonia around 400 BC. The Spolas was mainly worn by Hypaspisten and Ekdromoi . It was a parallel to the more common linothorax , which was made of linen. This breastplate also came to Greece through the campaign of Alexander the Great .


  • Nicholas Seconda : The Ancient Greeks. Armies of Class. Greece 5th and 4th Centuries BC (= Osprey Military. Elite Series. 7). Osprey Publishing, London 1986, ISBN 0-85045-686-X , p. 14.