Sports community SS Poznan

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The SS Posen Sports Association was a football club run by the SS , which from 1941 to 1943 took part in games in the city ​​of Posen (Polish: Poznań), which was then part of the “ Greater German Reich ” .


After the German invasion of Poland , the area around Posen was reconnected to the German Reich in October 1939. All Polish clubs were banned, only Germans were allowed to participate in organized sports. In the newly founded Reichsgau Wartheland with the capital Poznan, a football Gauliga was set up in autumn 1941 . One of the twelve clubs that started the first season in 1941/42 was the sports community of the Poznan SS. Their playmaker in midfield was the former Polish national player Friedrich Scherfke , who was not a member of the SS.

But after just six match days, the SG was withdrawn from match operations in February 1942, without the press giving any reasons. The club was in second place in the table at the time. In August 1942 it was re-established with new players, Scherfke was no longer part of it. However, the SG no longer played in the Gauliga, but in the Poznan district class. The game was stopped because of the approaching front at the end of 1944, the German clubs dissolved.


  1. East German Observer , October 20, 1941, p. 6.
  2. East German Observer , February 9, 1942, p. 6.
  3. East German Observer , August 17, 1942, p. 6.
  4. East German Observer , February 15, 1943, p. 6.