Speaker Committee

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The spokesperson 's committee represents the interests of senior executives in a company or company. It thus roughly corresponds to the works council of the other employees, but in contrast to this has only information and advisory rights. The speakers' committee can exist at both the company and company level. The prerequisite for the formation of a speaker committee is that at least ten senior executives work regularly in the company or company.

The legislature defines senior executives as persons who are assigned to the sphere of company management, i.e. who perform company or operational management tasks and who essentially act independently of instructions . Since the works constitution law does not provide for any rights for executive employees, a law on speakers' committees for executive employees was passed in order to enable this group of people to represent their interests independently in the company.


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  1. Federal Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs (ed.): Mitbestigung: Ein gute Unternehmen, 2007, p. 38.