Speaking (linguistics)

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In linguistics , especially in variety linguistics , one speaks of a speaking situation in the case of a condensed area or a variety of a language that is not a full variety , but is characterized by conventionalized allophonic and / or allomorphic variations within a full variety, which are situational, social, or correlates with spatial conditions and is not a so-called technical jargon. It is always part of a variety association , which is composed of speaking situations, technical languages ​​and the underlying full variety, i.e. a dialect , regiolect or a high-level language . Seen in this way, a speaking position is functionally similar to a linguistic register . A speaking situation can also be seen as a sociolect if it is expanded accordingly. A functiolect can also usually be seen as a state of speech.


  • Michael Elmentaler: Linguistic spectra in areal comparison. Preliminary considerations for an atlas of everyday German language. In: Journal of Dialectology and Linguistics 73 (2006), pp. 1–29.


  1. Jürgen Erich Schmidt, Joachim Herrgen: Sprachdynamik . An introduction to modern regional language research (=  Basics of German Studies . Volume 49 ). Erich Schmidt Verlag GmbH & Co KG, Berlin 2011, ISBN 978-3-503-12268-4 , p. 68 .