City library Neustadt in Holstein

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City library Neustadt in Holstein

Duration approx. 40,000
Library type City library
place Neustadt in Holstein

The Neustadt Public Library is a library in Schleswig-Holstein and a public library in the city of Neustadt in Holstein . She is a member of the Schleswig-Holstein library headquarters .


The city library has more than 40,000 media items available for loan. The majority of the inventory is made up of print media (approx. 29,000), including non-fiction books, novels, children's and young people's books and magazines. The remaining stock of 7000 media units consists of AV media (music, films, console / PC games) and board games.

The provision of e-media via the website "eLibrary between the seas" and is cooperatively managed by the library headquarters and participating libraries. Around 18,400 of these e-media are listed in the city library's web OPAC .

The media are presented according to the library system (SfB), i.e. according to subject areas and authors (novels). Group signatures are used. Media that cannot be found in the inventory can be obtained from other libraries via interlibrary loan. The city library realizes the interlibrary loan with the help of the interlibrary loan and supplementary library (LEB) in Flensburg.


The city library records approx. 45,000 visits and approx. 118,000 loans annually. A lending desk with two workstations is available to users for borrowing and returning items. In addition, a self-booking station enables the media to be borrowed independently and anonymously. Thanks to the use of modern RFID technology, batch booking is possible at all locations.

Kay Hoff estate

The writer Kay Hoff donated his literary estate to his hometown Neustadt in Holstein. These documents were scientifically processed on behalf of the city; they are accessible to the public in the city library.

Individual evidence

  1. a b Büchereiverein Schleswig-Holstein eV (Ed.): Statistics 2018 . Library headquarters Schleswig-Holstein, 2019, ISSN  1434-0232 (50 p., Online [PDF; 862 kB ; accessed on November 9, 2019]).
  2. (accessed on March 3, 2016)
  3. ^ Vorlass Kay Hoff. In: Internet site of the city library. City of Neustadt in Holstein, accessed on November 11, 2018 .

Web links