City Church Graz

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The Stadtkirche Graz is the organization of the Roman Catholic Church in Graz .


The city church Graz is divided into four deaneries , namely deanery Graz-Mitte , deanery Graz-east , deanery Graz-south and deanery Graz-west , which consist of a total of 39 parishes.


  • Alois Kölbl, Wiltraud Resch: Paths to God. The churches and synagogue of Graz. Photos by Attila Mudrák, 2nd expanded and supplemented edition, published by the Catholic city church Graz with city parish provost Heinrich Schnuderl , For the escort of diocesan bishop Egon Kapellari , Styria, Graz 2004, ISBN 3-222-13105-8 .

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