Stanislav Mikhailovich Kostyushkin

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Stanislav Kostyushkin (2016)

Stanislaw Michailowitsch Kostjuschkin (born August 20, 1971 in Odessa ) is a Russian singer and actor, ex-member of the duet Чай Вдвоем (English Tea for Two) , creator of the music project A-Dessa , entrepreneur and television presenter.


He was born in Odessa, Ukraine , the son of jazz saxophonist Mikhail Iosifovich Kostushkin and model Nadezhda Arkadjew Kostuskin. In 1972 he moved to Leningrad with his family. From the age of five he worked as a model for a children's fashion magazine.

He studied piano at the Laly RimskyKorsakov School of Music in Leningrad and graduated from the music school in 1989. From 1989 to 1990 he attended the Amsterdam School of Music in the Netherlands and later completed an opera singing and singing course at the St. Petersburg Conservatory. He was a singer who specialized in children's theater at the Zazerkaliye Theater in St. Petersburg and from 1994 to 2012 singer for Chay Vdvoyom, a Russian pop music group. In 2012 he founded the project music group A-Dessa.

Kostuchin and his childhood friend Boris Kopilot, who worked as a restaurant chef in Israel, opened a café in Pyshka da pudra, a shopping center, and in 2015 one in St. Petersburg and three in Rostov-on-Don. In 2015, a restaurant in Moscow, Ponzec-Volyntsik, and a tea shop opened.

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Commons : Stas Kostyushkin  - collection of pictures, videos and audio files