Statius Gellius

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Statius Gellius was a late 4th century BC. Living general of the Samnites . The Roman historian Livy described him as Statius Gellius , the sizilisch-Greek historian Diodorus , however, as Gellios Gaios , the latter spelling but, in the opinion of the ancient historian Friedrich Munzer is wrong and should be corrected in the direction indicated by Livy name form.

Statius Gellius led in 305 BC A Samnite army in the battle of Bovianum , but suffered a complete defeat against the Roman consuls Lucius Postumius Megellus and Tiberius Minucius Augurinus and fell into the hands of the Romans, who subsequently conquered Bovianum . With this decisive victory, the Romans were able to decide the Second Samnite War in their favor. The further fate of the captured Statius Gellius is not known.



  1. ^ Livy 9:44, 13.
  2. Diodorus 20, 90, 4.
  3. ^ Friedrich Münzer: Gellius 11). In: Paulys Realencyclopadie der classischen Antiquity Science (RE). Volume VII, 1, Stuttgart 1910, Col. 1000.