Stefano Nicolini da Sabbio

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Basilius the Great, Opera , Venice 1535

Stefano Nicolini da Sabbio (* around 1500, Sabbio Chiese ; † after 1564) was an Italian printer.

He was probably born shortly after 1500 in Sabbio Chiese near Brescia . He went to Venice with his brothers Giovanni Antonio and Pietro . There he worked in the printing house that Giovanni Antonio ran. In 1512 (date in question) the first print was published by Zuane Antonio & fradelli da Sabio . His name first appeared as a publisher in 1524. In 1528 he went to Verona (with some brothers) . In 1533 he was back in Venice. In 1542 he went to Rome , mainly to find and publish Greek texts. The last print with his name appeared in 1564. The year of his death is unknown.

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