Stone boxes from Sannox

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The Bronze Age and Stone Age stone boxes of Sannox ( English Sannox Cists ) were discovered in a disused quarry near Sannox, in the northeast of the Isle of Arran in North Ayrshire , in Scotland , where stone box 1 protruded so far from the excavation edge that an end stone was lost .

Box 1 still consisted of three large unprocessed blocks. It contained a cremation, accompanied by a triple-sectioned ornate vessel and a flint knife . The jar is noteworthy in that the majority of these pots were found in the east of Scotland. A calibrated radiocarbon date from 2154 to 2026 BC was derived from the cremated bones. BC (early Bronze Age) determined.

The second box, made of four panels, was almost empty. A charcoal fragment from the second box was dated 3520 to 3368 BC. BC, which would correspond to the early activities in the area.

The two boxes cannot be contemporary or have had the same function. It is unknown how many other boxes in this area were lost or went undetected.

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Coordinates: 55 ° 39 '46.8 "  N , 5 ° 9' 28.8"  W.