Pair of stones from Caherbaroul

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The stone pair of Caherbaroul (also called Cooper's Rock) is a high stone pair that stands on a plateau north of Macroom in the townland of Caherbaroul ( Irish Cathair Bharrúil ) in County Cork in Ireland .

The stones, which are about 3.0 m apart, are oriented northeast-southwest. The larger cuboid stone is about 2.7 m high and 0.8 m wide and thick. The other stone is 2.4 m high, 0.7 m wide and 0.6 m thick with a large protruding bead on the north side.

Nearby are the Caherbaroul Fort, the Wedge Tomb of Caherbaroul and the approximately 2.4 m high menhir ( English standing stone ) of Caherbaroul.


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Coordinates: 51 ° 57 '16 "  N , 8 ° 55' 37"  W.