Stone shoe

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The stone shoe was a Swiss measure of length and area , especially in the canton of Lucerne . It was used as a measure in construction and the field.

The stone shoe as a measure of length was 284.234 millimeters or 126 Parisian lines long. The measure corresponded to 0.91744 new Swiss feet. The large Juchart thus contained 45,000 square stone shoes, the small 31,200. The mass was replaced by the introduction of the Swiss concordat mass from 1838.


  • Georg Kaspar Chelius: Measure and weight book. 3. Edition. Jäger'sche Buch-, Papier- und Landkartenhandlung, Frankfurt am Main 1830, p. 304 ( online ).
  • Wilhelm Hoffmann: General encyclopedia for merchants, manufacturers, business people, commercial, industrial, commercial and secondary schools. 8th edition. Verlag von Otto Wigand, Leipzig 1848, Vol. 2, p. 208 ( online ).