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Steklowata ( russ . Стекловата , steklowata , 'Fiber', 'glass wool') is a Russian boy band that in 1999 Orenburg was founded.

The founder and producer of the band was the Russian composer Sergei Kuznetsov, who discovered Denis Belkin, who was then thirteen in 1999. Shortly thereafter, Artur Jeremejew joined, who left the group in 2003. The band also includes Alexander Guljaew (keyboard) and Sergej Djadjun (drums) as well as the sound engineer Oleg Andreew.



  • 2001: Льдинкой по стеклу (icicles on the window)
  • 2002: Осторожно – хрупкое (caution, brittle)
  • 2005: Спецшкола (special school)

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