Sternal organ

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The sternal organ ( Glandulae sternales ) is an elongated oval odor gland that occurs in the area of ​​the sternum in sheep , goats , deer , heather snails and mouflons .

Dimensions of the scent gland [mm]
animal length width
sheep 80-140 40-60
Heidschnucke , mouflon 80 35
goat 60 30th

With sternales glands were along it referred in human anatomy and "breast bone glands" of blood vessels with joined "lymphatics."


Single receipts

  1. a b Nickel, August Schummer, Eugen Seiferle: Circulatory system, skin and skin organs . Georg Thieme Verlag, p. 470ff
  2. August Carl Bock : Representation of the suction arteries of the human body, according to their structure, distribution and course etc. etc. etc. etc. 1828, p. 93 (5.5.5.)
  3. Theodor Richter: Encyclopedia of Human Anatomy. 1836, p. 322