Stieltjes constants

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The Stieltjes constants are a sequence of real numbers that are determined by the limit

are defined, where is Euler's constant . It is believed that they are irrational. Proof of this has not yet been found. Because of their definition, they are sometimes referred to as generalized Euler's constants . They appear in the Laurent expansion of the Riemann zeta function

and when evaluating certain specific integrals on:

They are closely related to the numbers

together. These can be calculated numerically well using an acceleration of convergence (continued averaging). The recursion applies

and the explicit representation with the help of Bernoulli's numbers :

From the recursion we get for the identity , i. H. for Euler's constant the alternating series

which is very similar to Vacca's range .

The result shows an oscillating behavior with the "frequency" falling asymptotically slowly towards 0. It is known that


Numerical values

n Decimal expansion of γ n OEIS
0 0.577215664901532860606512090082 ... A001620
1 −0.0728158454836767248605863758749 ... A082633
2 −0.00969036319287231848453038603521 ... A086279
3 0.00205383442030334586616004654275 ... A086280
4th 0.00232537006546730005746817017752 ... A086281
5 0.000793323817301062701753334877444 ... A086282
6th −0.000238769345430199609872421841908 ... A183141
7th −0.000527289567057751046074097505478 ... A183167
8th −0.000352123353803039509602052165001 ... A183206
9 −0.000034394774418088048177914623798 ... A184853
10 0.000205332814909064794683722289237 ... A184854


The following is important for the Hurwitz zeta function :


  • Rick Kreminski: Newton-Cotes integration for approximating Stieltjes (generalized Euler) constants. In: Mathematics of Computation. V. 72, no. 243, 2003, pp. 1379-1397.
  • Charles Knessl, Mark W, Coffey: An effective asymptotic formula for the Stieltjes Constants. In: Mathematics of Computation. V. 80, no. 273, 2010, pp. 379-386.

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