German-Russian Youth Exchange Foundation

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The German-Russian Youth Exchange Foundation is an initiative of the Federal Ministry for Family, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth , the Free and Hanseatic City of Hamburg , Robert Bosch Stiftung GmbH and the Eastern Committee of German Business. The basis for the work is the government agreement between the Federal Republic of Germany and the Russian Federation on youth policy cooperation from December 2004.

The foundation was officially established in a public-private partnership in February 2006 in Hamburg. This is also where the foundation is based, and Thomas Hoffmann is the managing director.


The foundation's mission is to promote school and youth exchanges between Germany and Russia and to give it new impetus. This is intended to further develop the friendly ties between the peoples of both countries and to take account of the importance of the younger generation for shaping the present and future of relationships.


The foundation performs the following tasks:

  1. Preparation and dissemination of information among young people, youth associations and organizations as well as educational institutions in both countries about the possibility of participating in German-Russian youth and schoolchildren exchanges
  2. Stimulating the development of exchanges and establishing and deepening contacts between organizations interested in the exchange
  3. Implementation of partner exchanges, seminars and conferences on German-Russian youth cooperation, including with general education schools and vocational schools
  4. Support in the qualification of youth welfare workers and teachers, including internships and internships
  5. Preparation of proposals aimed at the development of new forms and areas of bilateral and multilateral youth cooperation
  6. Public relations for the German-Russian youth policy cooperation

In addition, a key task is currently to provide financial support for programs in the following funding areas:

  1. School exchanges and language training
  2. Exchange outside of school

The support of the extracurricular exchange from funds of the Federal Child and Youth Plan (KJP) takes place in the central office and state procedure.

The funding area for professional exchange with Russia is currently being set up. In addition to the organizational and content-related support for exchange measures, the focus here is primarily on building local networks for sustainable non-academic exchange in the professional field with Russia.

Funding principles

The foundation promotes the exchange of young people and schoolchildren from all regions, from all social areas and social classes with equal access opportunities.

The foundation promotes exchange on the basis of reciprocity. The funded measures are to take place in both countries. Particular attention is paid to the promotion of projects

  • in which other sponsors from Germany or the EU participate;
  • that are designed for a long-term partnership;
  • who initiate new partnerships;
  • which take place in regions in Germany and Russia that have not previously been involved in the exchange;
  • who have a role model;
  • who include young people with a migration background in an appropriate manner.

The foundation does not promote the exchange of young people for purposes of study or scientific work or in the field of competitive sports. Projects that are primarily of a tourist nature are also not funded.


The foundation's work is based on the resolutions of the shareholders' meeting. It is also based on the recommendations of the national board of trustees set up by the federal government and the binational German-Russian Council for Youth Policy Cooperation.

The youth portal to4ka-treff

To4ka-Treff is the German and Russian language youth portal of the foundation and the Goethe Institute in the Eastern Europe / Central Asia region. Young people from Germany and the countries of Eastern Europe and Central Asia can communicate with one another here, write about their everyday lives and report on their lives. The youth portal offers information on travel, language, culture and everyday life in Germany and the Russian-speaking area by young people for young people. In addition, interactive formats are available for participation and networking.

To4ka-Treff wants to contribute to intensifying the exchange between young Russians, Russian-speaking youth from Eastern Europe and Central Asia and young people in Germany. In addition, the youth portal would like to encourage personal encounters and strengthen them sustainably.

German-Russian youth parliament

The German-Russian youth parliament has been meeting since 2006 parallel to the German-Russian government consultations. It is an in-house project of the German-Russian Youth Exchange Foundation. The aim of the event is to promote understanding of democracy and the rules of parliamentary opinion-forming.

Web links