Stock Car Speed ​​Association

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The British Stock Car Speed ​​Association ( SCSA ) is the organizer of the series of touring car races ( Stock Car ) of the same name . It takes up the concept of the NASCAR series, which is marketed very successfully in the USA , whose races are also held almost exclusively on oval racetracks.


While high-speed racetracks were uncommon in Europe until 2000, the situation changed with the opening of the EuroSpeedway Lausitz and the Rockingham Motorspeedway in Corby, England . As a result, the SCSA was founded in 2001, based on the Rockingham Oval Racetrack .

Initially, the racing series operated under the name "ASCAR" and was strongly based on the successful US counterpart. In 2003, the championship was renamed Days of Thunder Series . A reference to the movie Days of Thunder starring Tom Cruise . But on November 20, 2004 the last name followed with the SCSA .

In 2002 and 2003 the series was also presented in Germany at the EuroSpeedway Lausitz. Due to financial problems and a lack of interest from viewers and teams, the series drove in 2004 only in home Rockingham. With the acquisition of a new main sponsor in 2007, the series received a new name again with the SCSA MAC Tools V8 Trophy . In the following year, the direction of the racing series was reconsidered and, in addition to oval race tracks, normal courses were now also included in the racing calendar. The series, now renamed VSR V8 Trophy , continued to focus heavily on Great Britain, with only one championship run in Croix-en-Ternois, France, being an exception.

During the 2008/2009 winter break, the Belgian CAMSO championship, which had previously been held as a competitive racing series, merged with the VSR V8 Trophy. To this end, a new series was launched with European Late Model and the old national series was discontinued.

Web links

Commons : Stock Car Speed ​​Association  - collection of pictures, videos and audio files