Stress tolerance

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The stress tolerance , and stress stability , is the resistance of a living organism to physiological and psychological stressors . The stress tolerance is closely related to the vitality of plants, animals and humans against attacks from the environment or the immediate environment.

  • In the case of plants , the term refers to the tolerance to excessive or insufficient water supply, unsuitable temperature, unsuitable sun or light intensity, nutrient deficiency, disease triggers and pest attacks ( rot , wilt , deficiency disease, fungal disease, etc.). Stress stability can also be understood as a preliminary stage of disease and pest resistance. The use of bioeffectors and plant strengtheners should improve the stress stability of plants.
  • In animals , the term refers not only to the physiological but also to behavior-oriented tolerance towards harmful environmental factors. In this context, the type of husbandry and herd size in relation to the species-appropriate habitat must be considered as stressors. A lack of water supply, ventilation and hygiene leads to stress, illness and death, bullying and aggression towards other conspecifics is the sign of keeping close.
  • In humans, a distinction is made between physiological and psychological stressors, which are perceived as eustress and distress as positive or negative. In the case of a lack of stress tolerance, burnout and other illnesses occur.

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