Power package

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An electricity package is a special form of tariff for the use of electricity . The customer buys a fixed amount of electricity in advance for a precisely defined period of time (in practice usually one year) and usually pays in advance . This type of tariff is used in the German market in particular by so-called electricity discounters . The tariffs are comparable to minute packages in the mobile communications sector.

Reasons for using power packs

The concept brings economic advantages for the provider. Since the provider does not deliver the electricity until the money has been credited to his account, there is no risk of payment default. The dunning and collection effort is significantly reduced, since claims arise only when the customer uses more than the electricity package. The electricity provider reduces its capital costs, as the prepayment has a positive effect on its cash flow situation. In addition, the provider is able to offer an apparently low price for a defined amount of electricity. This is important for aggressively priced electricity providers in order to occupy top places in (online) electricity comparison calculators for standard consumption (2500 kWh, 3000 kWh etc.).

These financial benefits are e.g. Sometimes passed on to the customer in the form of low tariffs.

Advantages and disadvantages for the customer

Consumer advocates point out that if the electricity provider goes bankrupt, the amount paid in advance could be lost; as a nationwide example are u. a. to mention the bankruptcies of Flexstrom and Teldafax . The low price per kWh can only be fully exploited by the customer with a precise landing, if the annual electricity consumption corresponds exactly to the size of the electricity package purchased. Additional consumption is usually charged separately with a comparatively high price per kWh. If less electricity is used than paid for, the credit usually expires. A contract under these conditions, however, offers advantages if the customer can approximately estimate his future electricity consumption.

Individual evidence

  1. Trick: power packs . strom-prinz.de, accessed on January 29, 2015.