Stschastliwy vests

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Television series
German title Not previously broadcast in Germany
Original title Счастливы вместе
Country of production RussiaRussia Russia
original language Russian
Year (s) since 2006
length 20-24 minutes
Episodes previously 374
genre Comedy , sitcom
music Viktor Loginov - Kto tebe skazal
First broadcast March 8, 2006 (Russia) on TNT

Main actor:

Supporting cast:

Stschastliwy wmeste ( Russian Счастливы вместе , literal translation Happy together ) is a sitcom series filmed in Russia since 2006 . It's a modification of the American television series A Terribly Nice Family . It is broadcast on the Russian television station TNT .


The series is about a typical Russian family consisting of a husband, wife, son, daughter and dog. The family lives in Yekaterinburg .

House owner Gennadi Bukin is a seller of women's shoes. His wife Darja (Dasha) is a housewife and spends most of her time in front of the television. Her children are the attractive and not exactly intelligent daughter Svetlana, the unsuccessful son Roman, the later family member Sedmoi (Russian for "Seventh" / → Semön) and the extremely clever dog Baron. The neighbors are the very unattractive Jelena and her husband Evgeny Stepanow. Yevgeny later leaves Jelena and she marries the attractive Anatoli Poleno.

The similarities with the American model are strong - however, some adaptations to the Russian culture were necessary, such as B. the shashlik meal in the first season. The series is very popular in Russia.

A national competition was held in 2008. Viewers were invited to submit an episode they had written. These new episodes form the fourth season, which should include at least 60 episodes.

Stschastliwy wmeste is broadcast on the following channels:

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