Studer / Ganz price

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The Studer / Ganz Prize is a Swiss literary prize . It has been awarded by the Studer / Ganz Foundation since 2006. The prize is awarded for works in German, French or Italian and is endowed with CHF 5,000 in each case.

Studer / Ganz Prize in German-speaking Switzerland

The prize has been awarded every two years since 2006 for the best unpublished German-language prose debut by an author with Swiss citizenship or with residence in Switzerland.

Award winners

"Prix Studer / Ganz en Suisse romande"

The prize is awarded every two years for short texts by six to twelve authors who live in Switzerland or who are Swiss citizens. It also includes participation in a writing studio and a public lecture. The prize was first awarded in 2007.

Award winners

  • 2007: Carla Demierre, Evelyne Savard, Aline Steiner, Céline Zufferey, Michel Diserens, Giuseppe Melillo
  • 2009: Laurence Boissier, Nathalie Chaix, Khadija Delaval, Sarah Duperrex, Lucianne Jaggi, Dimitri Jaunin, Léa Marmet, Douna Rajonhanes, Nadine Sauterel, Noémi Schaub, Anicée Willemin, Vincent Yersin
  • 2011: Edouard Choffat, Cécile Gavlak, Valérie Gilliard, Silvia Härri, Kokovi Kuhn, Julia Sørensen
  • 2013: Rébecca Balestra, Catherine Favre, Mathias Howald, Cléo Jansen, Sibylle Monney, Fabienne Morales
  • 2015: Joanne Chassot, Miguel Demoura, Monika Faupel, Marylin Grandjean Felchlin, Benjamin Pécoud, Héloïse Pocry

"Il Premio Studer / Quite nella Svizzera di lingua italiana"

The prize has been awarded every three years since 2015 for the best unpublished Italian-language prose debut by an author with Swiss citizenship.

Award winners

  • 2015: Virginia Helbling
  • 2017: Alexandre Hmine for the manuscript «La chiave nel latte».

Web links