Studi medievali

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Studi medievali is a magazine for cultural and intellectual history that has been published in Italy since 1904 with a few interruptions. It has been published by the Centro Italiano di Studi sull'Alto Medioevo (CISAM) since 1960 . From 1923 to 1927 it had the title Nuovi studi medievali and from 1928 it was published again under its old title Studi mediavali .

The objective of the magazine is based on the “Magna charta” of the Studi medievali of 1904. It should be a cultural magazine without chronological or local restrictions that deviate from the general character of the title. Cultural means here that all kinds of research are published which illustrate or document the intellectual works of medieval Europe and their transmission. Brief studies on important moments in political, social and economic history should also be printed at irregular intervals in order to keep the reader up to date with the latest research.


The magazine was founded in 1904 by Francesco Novati and Rodolfo Renier and was published by Loescher in Turin . A total of four volumes were published. In 1913 the project fell asleep after both publishers died. The editors' program in 1904 was to gather information on the intellectual life of the age that ancient doctrine called "dark" and "shallow". Not only is the Italian region illuminated, but also, if possible, the thinking of Germans and Italians in the Middle Ages.

In 1923 the magazine was renamed “Nuovi studi medievali. Rivista di filologia e di storia “by Vincenzo Crescini , Giuseppe Ermini and Vincenzo Ussani (1870–1952) and published by the Zanichelli publishing house in Bologna. The "Studi" "initially oriented towards philology and cultural history were now also expanded to include political history. By 1927, 6 volumes had appeared.

In 1928 the magazine was renamed "Studi medievali (2ª serie / nuova serie)", the publishers remained. The magazine now covers all areas of the Middle Ages, such as everyday life, politics, law, and economics, which illuminate cultural and literary history. The second series was published by the Chiantore publishing house in Turin, Loescher's successor. 18 volumes were produced. No issues were published between 1953 and 1959.

The Studi medievali (3ª series) have been published in a third series since 1960. Up to 2005, 46 volumes had appeared, with an annual volume each consisting of two sub-volumes. So far there is an index volume for the third series for 1960 to 1979 and one for 1980 to 1990. The series is published by the Centro Italiano di Studi sull'Alto Medioevo (CISAM) , which was founded on the initiative of Giuseppe Ermini.

The two annual volumes contain articles in Italian, German, English, French or occasionally in Spanish. It also contains research reports, reviews , miscommunication , and comments on editions and new publications.

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