Study on the economic situation of broadcasting in Germany

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The book cover for the study "Economic Situation of Broadcasting in Germany 2016/2017"

The study on the economic situation of broadcasting in Germany is a primary data survey carried out by Goldmedia GmbH on the employment and economic situation of broadcasting in Germany. The data collection is carried out on behalf of the state media authorities and has been created and published every two years since 1995 by the Bavarian State Center for New Media (BLM) . The structural development of broadcasting in the dual system presented by the data collection can serve as a basis for discussion in politics and society about the further development of the dual system.

the aim of the study

Media makers and users, as well as all those interested in the media, receive an insight into the current structure and economic situation of broadcasting at federal and state level through the publication. A number of tables and graphs provide information about the development of income, expenditure and employment in private television , private radio and public broadcasting . Separate country chapters also deal with the situation of broadcasting in the respective areas of responsibility of the state media authorities involved. The study also shows how broadcasters assess the current economic situation of their own company and the entire industry. There are also assessments of the current and future share of sales in the online area.

Measurement method

The study results are based on a primary data collection from all German private television and radio broadcasters, which are supplemented by a secondary analysis of the structure of public service broadcasting in Germany. In addition, there are all web radios and web TV stations registered with the state media authorities. The primary data raises the Gold Media GmbH in private radio and television providers by a standardized survey, which is conducted by mail. The program managers are requested to provide information on the employment structure and the company's economic data.

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