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StumbleUpon logo

StumbleUpon (about “stumbling over”) was a social bookmarking service that allowed its users to link and share web content. By evaluating these pages, user profiles were created. Based on this, the software recommended other users with common interests. A browser add-on supported the collection, distribution and review of web content and made it possible to search internet content sorted by subject area. This option was available for Firefox , Google Chrome , Internet Explorer and Opera, among others . The service offered both free basic memberships and a paid premium product.

Business model

StumbleUpon used the knowledge and preferences of its users to drive targeted advertising. A small portion of the results that users saw were sponsored pages that were compiled according to their interests. Like any other page, these pages could be rated and commented positively or negatively. If the collective judgment was predominantly negative, these pages were circulated far less often when the stumble button was pressed. Paid user accounts (accounts of so-called "sponsors") offered - in addition to a number of other setting options - the possibility of switching off such advertisements.


The service was bought by eBay in May 2007 . The official purchase price was $ 75 million. The service was discontinued in 2018.

According to the homepage, StumbleUpon reached 4 million registered users worldwide in December 2007. At the beginning of October 2008 it was already over 6 million, in March 2011 more than 15 million.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. StumbleUpon is discontinued. In: May 25, 2018. Retrieved August 2, 2018 .