Subaru (magazine)

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Subaru ( Japanese す ば る ) is a literary magazine that has been published by Shūeisha Verlag since May 1970 . The magazine appeared quarterly from the first issue until September 1976, then every two months and since May 1979 monthly. With the change to the monthly edition, the publisher also changed the format of the magazine from B6 to DIN A5. In addition to the magazine Subaru , which deals with the so-called pure literature ( 純 文学 , Junbungaku ), the publisher also publishes a magazine for entertainment literature, the Shōsetsu Subaru ( 小説 す ば る ).

The magazine awards the Subaru Literature Prize ( す ば る 文学 賞 , Subaru Bungakushō ) every November . The current editor-in-chief has been Ikeda Chiharu since 2007.

Along with Gunzō ( 群像 ), Shinchō ( 新潮 ), Bungakukai ( 文學界 ) and Bungei ( 文藝 ), it is one of the 5 largest literary magazines in Japan.

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